
One of our best - and oldest - methods is to join up with a larger body and do the Cabal's work from within. This is done both to rise in its ranks, or move others into position, and to be on the lookout for potential marks and clients.

Not only is this the oldest method, but it is quite often the easiest. Often, we only have to keep our new recruits where we found them, instead of suggesting they leave. Many of you still report to your old masters and consort with your old fellows, and this is why.

Every so often, we have to remove someone and impersonate him. But it is so much better to just make that someone a Client through various means. We shall get to those means in short order.

When it comes to an actual disguise, either for the long or short term, we often pose as Chanteurs. As I am certain you know, the Songbirds are often hired to attend business negotiations and make certain that one or more of the attendants is not using Keening to make the deal sound better, or guarantee a sale. But unless anyone at the table knows the rudiments of our craft, they will never even suspect that their sudden change of heart was due to an entirely different Arcanos.

Another, more dangerous trick is to pose as a Pardoner. Some of their number consider their profession to be much like that of a Priest: dispensing advice and suggesting penance while scourging the Shadow. Tipping the right idea in the right ear at such a time, when its owner is the most vulnerable, is child's play.

The only problems are learning enough Castigate to effect such a disguise, dealing with the Angst gained from the transaction and, needless to say, facing the wrath of the real Guild should you be uncovered. You might wish to speak to a Purger if you are interested in this method, but I should warn you that they jealously guard what they have discovered.


("And how. I remember being inspired to try this, but the Purgers would not even hear of it. They claimed I did not have an honest enough face! Still, I hear tell of what happened to one that they accepted: his Shadow ate him alive in a few short months..." - Master Johan Hilden)


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