
Everyone has at least one dirty little secret. Perhaps they abscond from work to visit a Fetter. Perhaps they Skinride. Perhaps they have double loyalties... something we should all be familiar with, were our true loyalty not to the Cabal. Or perhaps they lied to a superior, stole an item of value, betrayed a colleague, and so on...

Once a person crosses the line between ethical and unethical behavior, he makes himself vulnerable to anyone who happens to know about it. And it does not always matter how long ago the line was crossed, either.

This is where we enter the picture. By finding out these sources of shame, and threatening to go public with them, even the most powerful of Wraiths will jump to your fingerclicks. They would have to be insane not to: centuries worth of enemies will hound them into a second grave if certain vulnerabilities come to light, would they not?


("This is very true. We Wraiths can live forever if we maintain ourselves. How many mistakes can one make in one lifetime? Multiply that by hundreds, and you have the secret life of a Gaunt. And if your superior will always be your superior unless he is removed, then every Wraith of ambition will rise to demand his removal should a truly nasty secret bubble forth." - Grand Master Lucinda Ximenes)

Losing Your Secret's Worth

In the past, Solicitors in Stygian territory tended to focus on the use of "banned" or "illegal" Arcanoi as a primary piece of leverage. However, with the fall of the Hierarchy, no one really cares who practices Shroud-rending Arcanoi, anymore, other than to ask for their help.

As a result, a number of Marks and Clients were lost. Also, a proportionate number of Solicitors were soundly disciplined for failing to secure other means to salvage the matter. "Soundly Disciplined" meaning that the Gardeners had a field day...

The lesson is to make certain that the real goods on someone is not only offensive to one group, but to many. Either that or have several secrets, each one cause for problems with a different group, on the same person.


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