The Fae

Except for the Sluagh - who are able to talk to the restless dead - Changelings tend to avoid anything to do with the Shadowlands. Wraiths are, to them, an uncomfortable reminder of how fragile their own grip on the world is. As such, their magic doesn't lend itself well to doing anything for or against the Shroud, or the rush of Oblivion that threatens all.

But as they're suffering the same problems with prophecy that Wraiths are, and have tales of an endless, dark Winter rushing upon them, they might at least be sympathetic ears. They could also call upon some of their legendary allies, or provide clues of ancient prophecies {or amazing, magical items} that could help save the day, or at least buy some time.

On the other hand, Changelings suffer from the same forces of disbelief that strengthen the Shroud. They refer to the awful weight of rationality and skepticism of magic's existence as Banality, and its accumulation can Undo a Changeling. So if the Shroud was fortified with the strength of steel through massive disbelief, it could be the very death-knell for the Fae - possibly even the true meaning of their Winter.

That presents them with a very harsh choice: do they help repair the Shroud, thus committing mass Chimerical suicide amongst themselves, or do they do nothing, and risk watching the entire world die?

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