In addition to what's
listed here, Rots may also take: the Secret Death and Vampire
Friend Merits, and the Mortal Fame and Decapitated Flaws from
The Risen; the Creepy Feelings, Small Gift and Speaker
with the Dead Merits, and the Mobbed, Spectre Meat and Deathsight
Flaws from Mediums: Speakers with the Dead; and
the Huge Size and Medium Merits and Short Flaw from V:tM,
Rev. Ed. They all work as listed in those books, with one
Rot-based caveat for Decapitated (see below)
- Forgetful Shadow: (+2)
The flip side of Amnesia, the Shadow's trip across the Shroud
has caused it to forget as much as its Psyche has. This puts
it and the Wraith on an equal level of ignorance. This Merit
cannot be taken unless the Amnesia Flaw is taken as well.
- Well-Preserved:
(+3) Maybe your Wraith wasn't dead for too long, and maybe the
funeral home just outdid itself with the embalming. Either way,
your Wraith doesn't look so bad off as a Rot, and she can have
an Appearance one Dot greater than her state of decay allows.
So a Fresh body could have an Appearance of 2 and a Rotting body
could have an Appearance of 1.
- Mummified: (+3)
Instead of decaying, your body was dessicated by heat and dryness.
As a result, your muscles and innards have the toughness of shoe
leather, but you're a bit slow as a result. Mummified Rots start
one Health Level above normal, but lose a dot from Dexterity.
- Body Problems: (-1)
Not all Rots wound up in their original bodies. Some found themselves
in bodies of different genders, ages or races, which has caused
psychological problems. Likewise, some did wind up in their original
bodies, and seeing what's left of them hasn't done them a whole
lot of good. Any Wraith who's inordinately bothered by the body
she wound up in can take this Flaw to represent the unease she
feels while inside it. This Flaw should be roleplayed out.
- Cloud of Flies:
(-2) For some odd reason, flies and gnats really, really like
your Wraith. As a result, unless she douses herself in insect
repellent at least once every hour, she will have a large cloud
of buzzing insects around her person. These take away two dice
from all Stealth-based rolls due to the noise they make.
- Amnesia: (-2
to -3) The shock of being sent across the Shroud has rattled
your Wraith's mind to the point that she doesn't remember who
she was, where she came from or anything about her life, death
and time as a Wraith. She will still remember certain instinctive
things, such as how to use Arcanoi, Slumber and the like, but
while she will know what her Passions and Fetters are, she will
not know why she has them.
The -2 version of this flaw means that the Wraith remembers nothing
past the moment of her death: all time as a Wraith before coming
back across the Shroud has been lost, leading to all sorts of
complications. The -3 version of the Flaw means that everything
- life and death - is a complete blank to the Wraith. In both
cases, time and roleplaying should bring back the memory back,
but this will be a lengthy process.
Note that, unless the Forgetful Shadow Merit is taken, the Shadow
does not suffer from the problem, and can use the Psyche's ignorance
against her.
- Mute: (-3)
Whether your Rot's lost her tongue, her jaw or her vocal cords,
she cannot speak. Such is the nature of being a Rot that when
she 'talks,' Wraiths in the Shadowlands can hear what she's saying,
but fellow Rots and mortals cannot.
- Missing Parts:
(-3 to -4) Maybe you lost a limb in the accident that took your
life, or maybe you were always missing your left hand. Either
way, your Rot isn't quite complete, and this causes problems.
The -3 version of this flaw means something has been lost that
is inconvenient, but does not completely impede mobility or manual
dexterity, such as missing a hand, an arm or one leg below the
knee. Those who are missing both arms, both hands or at least
one leg would be applicable for the -4 version of this flaw.
Keep in mind that not having body parts will reduce the starting
Health Level.
The Rot cannot heal this damage by putting comparable material
on the stump.
- Mr. Bones:
(-5) Your Wraith's body has either been moldering for so long,
or suffered such damage, that it's little more than a skeleton
- and maybe only that.
Consuder the body to be Rotten in regards to Health Levels, soaking
and damage difficulties. Her STR and STA are dropped down to
1, no matter what they were before, but her Dexterity is only
minus 1. She cannot talk and her very appearance invokes The
Fog in mortals. On the brighter side, bullets, arrows and other
small projectile weapons can only do a maximum of one health
level after the soak. Shotguns at close range do their normal
damage, though.
- Decapitated:
(-7) This acts in the same manner as the description from The
Risen. The only caveat is that the Rot cannot heal the damage
by putting the head back on the neck. One could try to stitch
it back on or attach it with clamps, but they'll never be able
to move it to look around, or up.