
(These are partial notes from a transcribed lecture by Grand Master Elizabeta Dresden - late of the Order of Three - with parenthetical annotations by later commentators. In spite of her later fall from grace, her wisdom in certain, other matters has been considered worth keeping. She was, after all, a formidable architect of espionage webs in her day. It is just as well her heresy was uprooted and dealt with when it was.)


I will begin this lecture with something of an object lesson. I want each of you to look to the person to your left, and then to your right, in turn. Study their faces, their movements. Consider one another well.

Now, ask yourselves... how well do you know that person, truly? Perhaps you have worked together on something minor? Perhaps you were in another class before? Some of you may even consider one another to be friends.

But, in truth, I am certain that most of you have no idea who one another truly is. And, just to prove it to you. I will say this, now: one of us in this room will be revealed to be a Mark. At some point during the lecture, he or she will try to do something very foolish, and someone in here will suffer for it.

I do this to underline the nature of what it is we must be prepared to do. Everyone is disposable. No one is sacrosanct. Nothing is off-limits. And everything is permitted... so long as it serves the Cabal's interests.

To that end, we must consider the following. Subversion. Coercion. Subornation. Sedition. Blackmail. Brainwashing. Infiltration. And, yes... Intimation.

These are the eight tools of we Solicitors. Any canny member of the Cabal should know them all by heart. Those who have risen to the top most likely know even more, or else are extremely skilled at one or more of them.

And their uses are legion, as I shall demonstrate.


"The "Crutch" of Intimation

One might wonder why the Cabal stoops to using such things - other than as exercises in pure sadism, of course. Don't they have Intimation? Why don't they just use it?

Of course, they have Intimation, but Intimation in the hands of a Solicitor is like a gun in the hands of a soldier. It's a great tool to do your job, but not only do you have to be prepared for situations where you might not have it, but you have to recognize that not every situation is best handled with it.

After all, Intimation, by itself, is not always as effective as the Solicitors might make it sound to outsiders. What happens if it doesn't work? What happens if the effects run out before the Solicitor sees the Mark again? And what happens if - Desire forbid - the target is somehow immune to Intimation, or manages to shake its effects off and take precautions against it?

And then there's always the matter of how much energy one wishes to expend on a target. Pathos does not grow on trees, and Angst can sometimes be gained in return. And there is also the ever-present danger of Desire's Whiplash...

For these reasons, as well as cultivating a sneaky and crafty mentality in their charges, elder Solicitors go out of their way to school their pupils in the many, non-Intimatory means of getting a Mark or Client to do what you will of them.

They're time-tested and true. And, best of all, they're free.










What is Done in Hir Name, and Why

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