Love Will Tear Us Apart, Again
Joy Division - Permanent


As you approach the doorway the sound of sobbing can be heard coming from the other side. The door looks heavy and worn. In places cracks have begun to appear in the surface of the wood.

Traces of red paint remain here and there to remind you of what it may once have been like, but much of it is now gone.

The handle looks shiny and worn with constant usage, though the cobwebs that criss-cross back and forth from it to the door suggest it has not been opened recently.

Opening the door you find yourself looking into a very old room. The walls are dressed in faded pink, and dirty valentines adorn the walls. Rotted pink satin curtains frame a window, and all the panes of glass have been smashed. Glass patterns the floor and interweaves with the threadbare carpet. In one corner of the room you notice the collapsed remains of a once-elegant four-poster bed that now lies in an untidy heap of wood and linen.

Finally, in the centre of the room you see her. She is kneeling on the floor, her small thin hands covering her face. Dust has turned her bright pink party dress a pale grey, and grime encrusts the curls of her once golden hair.

She appears young, somewhere between her teens and childhood. You can't really tell what her face may look like, covered as it is by her hands. They too are dirty and look as though they have not moved in a long time. The tips of her nails are overgrown and black. You notice the front of her dress is glistening and wet. The sound of sobbing continues though she makes no movement whatsoever.

Surrounding her you see more pictures and items of valentines. Bears with red hearts on their tummies and cards depicting adoring cherubs lie discarded and abandoned

The Mansion